The Fine Art of Digital Collage

About the Artist:

Paper Buddha is a contemporary American Buddhist artist originally from the Bay Area of California, where he spent his formative years.  He drew inspiration in his upbringing from the profound teachings of luminaries such as Alan Watts and Shunryu Suzuki, both recognized for their pioneering roles in introducing Eastern philosophy, particularly Zen, to the forefront of Western awareness.

Raised in challenging circumstances, including stints in jails and foster homes, he found solace and guidance within Buddhist philosophy. These teachings became a vessel for watering his inner-sense of purpose and artistry, while literature, both “lowbrow” and transcendental, nourished his imagination: a love of pulp comics as well as traditional Buddhist art melded into the artistic expression that guides him today.

Transitioning into adulthood, Paper Buddha went on to pursue a corporate career, leveraging his formal education in business to ascend to executive roles, including serving on the board and as COO of International legal cannabis companies during the industry's nascent stages. It wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic, when Paper Buddha shifted his career to reconnect with his true passions and embrace his creative calling, making the decision to pursue digital art full-time. Additionally, driven by a deep desire to preserve vintage American pulp magazines and the rich heritage of traditional Buddhist art, Paper Buddha saw blockchain technology as a revolutionary way to immortalize these cultural treasures on the blockchain, ensuring their accessibility and longevity for generations to come. In a perfect crescendo of timing, NFTs entered into his practice in 2020, and provided just the technology and platform to immortalize his work. 

Today, Paper Buddha interweaves his varied experiences into works that are as visually stunning as they are reflective of his profound spiritual insights and mastery of technology. As an American Buddhist artist, he embodies a distinctive blend of cultural influences and spiritual practices. Raised in the diverse melting pot of American society, he acknowledges the multitude of backgrounds and experiences that forge the American Buddhist identity. Removing any notions of gatekeeping, Paper Buddha adopts an inclusive approach to Buddhism, inviting all seekers of its wisdom to divert of discrimination. His mission is unequivocal: to bring Buddhist art into the mainstream of Western culture while adhering to its fundamental values. He thoughtfully selects elements from the rich mosaic of American life that align with Western perspectives, creating a harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity.

For Paper Buddha, being a collage artist transcends mere aesthetics; it is an intentional reflection of what it means to live in a society that emphasizes and celebrates reinvention. Embodying the principle of decentralization, he advocates for a varied and welcoming approach to community, spirituality, and art. As Paper Buddha puts it, "I'm just the artist, not the monk." Through his artwork, he encourages a dialogue on the confluence of culture, spirituality, and identity, charting a unique course that is emblematic of the modern American Buddhist journey.